The Marines and Tet at the Newseum

Marines charging at the Tet offensive

On the cover of LIFE: Cajun Bob leads the charge at the Battle of Hue. John Olson, photographer

I produced sound for the award winning national exhibition, “The Marines and Tet: The Battle That Changed the Vietnam War” exhibited in 2018 and 2019 at the Newseum in Washington, DC.  The exhibition presents the work of combat photographer John Olson, who spent three days with the marines at the Battle of Hue, and highlights the marines’ stories.  Ten marines were interviewed for the exhibit.  Tactile versions of the photographs enable visitors, both blind and sighted, to hear their stories. 

Activated by touch, embedded sensors trigger a custom audio track.  For example, for the photograph of wounded men being taken by tank to triage, each detail in the photograph can be touched.  AB Grantham is the young man lying on top of the tank with a bandage around his chest.  An audio track identifies Grantham, and another provides his and others first-person accounts.

To hear the marines’ stories, click on each name to the right.

To learn more about the exhibition, visit:

The Marines and Tet: The Battle that Changed the Vietnam War

To learn more about the website generated from the exhibition, visit:

Tet 1968


AB Grantham

This one's not dead yet.

Richard Hill

An 8-hour firefight.

Myron Harrington

Utter devastation.

Bob Thompson

I'll never forget him.