Birding Sound Installations

Atrium Art Gallery Exhibition with eagle nest in foreground

In the Field, a sound installation by Dianne Ballon. Atrium Gallery, University of Southern Maine. Note the set of black stereo speakers tucked under the atrium by the pillars.

In The Field Sound Installation

For the juried exhibition Bird Sightings, I created two sound installations.  The first installation, In the Field (above) contained sixteen stereo sound mixes played through a set of speakers in the gallery.  Each mix was separated by silence, allowing sound to enter and exit the gallery space. The listener was taken from my field recordings of the morning bird sounds to the stories and eccentricities of bird watchers.  Recorded stories ranged from the humorous, finding an Ivory Gull at the dump, to the lyrical, bird watchers anxiously awaiting spring.


Bird Books in Case


Give Me Your Tired, Your Tattered Bird Books Sound Installation

A second installation, Give Me Your Tired, Your Tattered Bird Books had its own corner in the gallery.  I asked bird watchers to loan me their birding field guides.  Among the books, I received many editions of Peterson’s A Field Guide to the Birds dating back to 1947.  Bird watchers also loaned the bird books they received as a child or inherited from their parents.  Two of the books dated circa 1900.

After collecting the books, I recorded the bird watchers describing their books and related memories.  The bird books were displayed along with an old pair of binoculars.  Participants could view the books, while listening through headphones to the recollections.

Open bird book showing handwritten entries for life list
The Difficulties of Field Recording

Attempts to record the morning birds, from the sound installation In the Field.

Overture in Voice for the Warblers in Maine

These are some of the warblers ... from the sound installation In the Field.

Chester Reed Bird Book, 1903

A description of the 1903 Chester Reed bird book ... from the sound installation Give Me Your Tired, Your Tattered Bird Books.

One Man's Life List

A list bird watchers keep of all the birds they have seen in their life ... from the sound installation Give Me Your Tired, Your Tattered Bird Books.